
garth skouson funeral...

i love.love.love this family...and it is a big one...but so
so sweet...this sweet man had cancer and has
been a fighter for quite awhile...he was also a veteran
so it was a military funeral...all RED.WHITE and BLUE
for the family pieces which was fun and different...
this is the casket spray that went to the side
of the casket...i didn't get any pics this morning so
i ran to the cemetery and took a few...this was
laying in the snow...
this one was from the kids...so beautiful...
a single bud vase for the book table...
this one also went on the book table...
a fun vase arrangement...
garth's wife sandra teaches ashley piano so we sent
this beautiful hydrangea... this one was fun...it was a big one so i added some
airplanes to it...garth was a pilot and i thought it would
be fun to include that...
here is the whole arrangement...way fun


allgirls said...

great work stac... love the family piece!

le35 said...

I googled my dad today and saw this post. I just wanted to thank you for posting it. I was missing him today and the flowers helped me remember how many people loved and still love him. Thanks bunches.
